Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 1: California, Where the beer flows like wine....not

Yo. Welcome to the 2nd perspective of the trip. Tunnel Vision. The way we see it.

Before they left, Brennon and Nick went to go check out some houses to live in for the next school year. As they were leaving, some new SPU prospects were across the street. Brennon said, "Should we?" Then Nick replied with, "Yea, lets do it." So they took the car and whipped around blasting Girl Talk and starting screaming SPU stuff at the newbies. The future SPU fathers all returned looks of disgust.

Fast Forward.

UW's Isaiah Thomas as officially been dubbed, "Thuh BEST!" as Nick would say.

Subsequently, Jacob returns from work and Brennon realizes that he needs to pick up his last check at South Center Mall. In a hurry, Jacob and Nick start grabbing all of the things they need for the trip. Jacob said, "Nick! Get money, your keys, fruit roll-ups..." and they were about to depart.

So, on Friday, March 18th, Brennon, Jacob, and Nick left for California in the sketchiest manual car they have ever had the blessing to drive. Let me tell you about it. First, the rubber on the windshield wipers were torn and the reason I am mentioning this is because it was pouring down rain. Nick didn't have trouble driving the car, but he had to keep his head more towards the middle of the windshield so he looked like a Homie with one hand on the wheel checkin' out the ladies.

The three successfully made it to South Center in time and Brennon received his check. Count it.

Get Money, Get Paid, ahhhh aha ahahah. No, Make Money, Get Prizes, ahahah hahah ahaha

Proceeding to the next note, they got lost trying to go to the freeway. A few wrong turns and they ended up in a LOVERS parking lot. Weird. For the sake of the kids, LOVERS is a place you never want to go.

Moving on, Sam and Charlie Piehler had been waiting outside of Federal Way's high school stadium for the big three to pick them up. It was a dark and dreary night...and the funny thing is, is that you think I'm kidding. Looking off into the trees was a vacuous darkness that looked as if it could swallow a semi-truck. There were two cars parked that contained 4 Piehlers. Sam, Tim, Mr. and Charlie. Hmmm...kind of has a ring to it huh? More of a ring to it than Frodo...OHHHHH!!!!


Handshakes were exchanged and nods of thanks. Why the nods of thanks? The three don't quite know. But we all know that 2+3=5. Two Piehlers plus a KnottSchmittJohnson equals a swell time. Nick drove the car about 30 blocks while being completely oblivious to the fact that he had forgotten to turn on the lights. Good thing they prayed before they left of the trip. As if the candy were gross, there were also bugs in it. Nick stalled the car trying to go onto the freeway and Jacob sure let him know it. Nick broke out in a cold sweat. He pitted out within moments.

Onto the freeway, the fantastic 5 decided to have a freestyle session. It's also known as a "Cypher" or "Round Robin" (coined by Nick, Baron, and Charlie). The beats were heavy and the rhymes were slick. I believe that it was Sam Piehlers first time ever freestyling and I congratulate him. Jacob Schmitt got some sick bars in.

The suburu had officially made it into Oregon. Nothing really happened until they got to Salem. Out in the sticks lies a correctional facility that the crew sped past. Trying to find Mark Rawlins house (about 2:15 am), Brennon was given false directions. The SUPERU was driving through the country underneath the pale moonlight of the huge bright face above the sky. Nick was scared that Zombie danger was imminent. Thankfully he was wrong. After backtracking about 5 minutes, Mark's street was found and our heroes had made it to the rendezvous successfully.

I tip my hat,

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