Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 5 and 6: Working our way up

After two glorious days at the beach, we (admittedly reluctantly) headed back north to journey back home. Our stop along the way: Pasadena. The Aufhammer family hosted us for a night in luxury. We heard rumors that this was going to be the best meal of the trip. It turned out being the best night thus far.

We started by going through LA without awful traffic, making it to Will’s before 7:00. After Mark introduced himself to the family as our “team leader”, we were sitting at the dinner table, eating steak, twice baked potatoes, asparagus and Caesar salad. Jacquie Aufhammer is THUH BEST!

We had great conversation at the table as Mr. Al Aufhammer “interviewed” each of us and we learned so much about each other. We were at the table for almost two hours; it was such a great talk.

After dinner we scrambled to the hot tub. We were suffering beach withdrawals so we needed the water. Sam, Mark and Andrew ended up staying in there for almost two hours. The others hung out in the pool house. Holy cow, was this a nice place.

Everyone got a couch or bed, if I remember correctly. The hospitality we were given was just unbelievable and we just had such a relaxing, fun time at the Aufhammers. We joked around (“You can be in charge of women’s ministry”) and were serious (the hot tub talks). It was an amazing night and really a huge part of the trip.

At night, Will and I got to have our famed “Tuesday Night” sleepover. We skyped Emily and Jane and chatted for a while. The man is a legend. He’s so great. It was super fun.

We woke up to head north. A crazy journey ended in us arriving at PCC and checking out youth group before playing some great basketball and soccer. Lots of fun to be had in Redwood City. We like sports and we don’t care who knows.

Finally, there was the first epic night of “Nasty” and “Hey Mark”. Nick, Mark, Jacob, Van Ness, Brennon and the Piehlers were sleeping in Graham’s lower room and said random things for an hour plus. It was fun, but dumb. While Jeremy was preparing for his interview and Sam was catching up with Graham, we weren’t making any sense. Mostly, though, it was Mark making fun of Nick. Hey Mark.

We went to bed that night not knowing what would come the next day. As we catch up to real time, we will discuss the last two days and the hurricane that has come to the trip. Some know already, but there have been some drastic points. It’s been fun. Get ready for a flurry of posts!


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