Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 10: Kath's Mix

Let me tell you this and you better listen. If you ever go anywhere and you are planning on listening to music, hit up Kath to make you a mix. She is the Queen.
Last night when we were leaving Santa Barbara for Santa Cruz, the two cars had an all out battle for Kath's Mix. To give you a brief overview of the battling sides; Brennon, Charlie, and Sam were in the Honda Accord and Jake, Caleb, and Van Ness were in the Nissan Pathfinder. The Pathfinder asked for Kath's mix, but the Honda was not having that, so they lied and said they did not have it. The Honda then asked for some more mixes that the Pathfinder had, but they held them hostage for Kath's Mix. Sam then ran to the Pathfinder and managed to grab a few CD's before Jake Got to him and pinned him in the car. They tussled into the street and Caleb ran over to help and when he got into the mix, Sam escaped and ran to the Honda.
Meanwhile Van Ness presses the eject button in the Honda, and when Kath's Mix comes out, Brennon grabs it and puts it back in when Van Ness turns his back. By guessing, Van Ness then presses the button again without Brennon seeing and so he stole the CD as well as all the other CD's in the Honda and ran away just as Sam was running back to the Honda. Just then, Jake stole Yoshi, who holds the Honda's keys. Charlie saw that the Honda lost the mix and its keys so He ran to the Pathfinder, which was unguarded and stole the boombox, which was the source of the Pathfinders music. If anything in history has been clutch, it was Charlie's boombox steal. Charlie got back into the Honda untouched and locked the doors as Sam found himself in hot pursuit to rescue Yoshi from the evil hands of the Pathfinder.
Yoshi was taken into the Pathfinder and Caleb began to drive away. At that point Sam knew that all the doors on the Pathfinder were locked, but he also knew that it was impossible to lock the trunk. Sam opens the trunk and climbs over all the luggage to grab onto Yoshi. As soon as Sam got a hold of Yoshi, Jake jumped from the front seat onto Sam to once again fight for what eventually will win Kath's Mix. As Caleb drove, Sam and Jake rolled around the backseat fighting over Yoshi. Sam tried to escape and managed to open the door as the vehicle was moving to try and roll out, but Jake had Sam in a leg lock. Eventually the car stopped and Sam was able to slip out on account that Jake was in extreme pain because of his wounds that he Acquired earlier on the trip from an EPIC longboarding crash.
Sam was able to get Yoshi back to the Honda and both cars began to realize that we needed to get on the road if we wanted to make it to Santa Cruz on time. At this point, the Honda had all the CD's, the Pathfinders boombox, Yoshi, and the will to live. The Pathfinder did have Kath's Mix but they couldn't listen to it if they wanted to. The Honda decided to split up the CD's and let the Pathfinder have Kath's Mix as well as their boombox. In not too long we were off to Santa Cruz. The music was not even an issue in either car. Both cars had such good conversation that music was irrelevant.
But Still, Kath's Mix wins hands down for "Best Mix of 2010."
Dont Worry About It

1 comment:

  1. You guys are the sweetest!!! I'm so glad you're enjoying the music and I can't wait to see you back at school tuesday! :)
